Ms. Marta Aisa
Head of Responsible Banking and Sustainability at Santander Spain
Climate change is causing temperatures to rise and triggering extreme events such as rising sea levels, heat waves, air pollution and reduced soil moisture. This phenomenon represents the greatest threat to global health today. The WHO estimates that, between 2030 and 2050, climate change might cause 250,000 deaths per year as a direct result of climate change, due to factors such as heat stress, respiratory problems due to air quality and cardiovascular effects due to pollution.
Food- and water-borne diseases also increase, along with food insecurity, which could affect agricultural productivity in the future.
Another example of the health consequences of climate change are forest fires caused by high ambient temperatures and flooding caused by rising sea levels. These events represent a challenge to communities living in areas prone to these natural disasters.
The Taxonomy regulation establishes that companies publish information on what percentage of their income, their investment (CapEx) and their operating expenses (OpEx) represent their eligible and aligned activities, parameters that give an idea of the proportion that the activities represent. on the total activity of the company.
- Mr. Eduardo Manso, Director of Financial and Corporate Information at CNMV.
- Ms. Carla Coloma, ESG Global Director at Fluidra.
- Mr. Jordi Portabella, Director of Sustainability at Futbol Club Barcelona.
- Ms. Marta Santamaría, Director of Integrating Capitals.
- Mr. Fernando Varela, Co-Director of LEAD Sustainability.
Session moderated by Ms. Marta Aisa, Director of Responsible Banking and Sustainability, Banco Santander Spain.
- Ms. Elvira Carles, Director of Fundación Privada Empresa & Clima. - Mr. Santos Gracia, President of la Fundación Universitaria Iberoamericana.
At the UNEATLANTICO Pavilion.
Head of Responsible Banking and Sustainability at Santander Spain
Director of Fundación Empresa & Clima
Director of Futbol Club Barcelona Sustainability Area
Co-Director of LEAD Sustainability
Director of Financial and Corporate Information at CNMV
Director of Integrating Capitals
ESG Global Director at Fluidra
President of the Ibero-American University Foundation – FUNIBER