Ms. Alicia Carrasco
Founder and CEO of olivoENERGY
We are in the midst of some of the most turbulent times for the energy sector. The year 2022 opened with the energy pillars of the European Union in turmoil. The Russia-Ukraine conflict caused the risk of gas shortages in Europe and increased gas prices, which called into question the European energy market model.
Europe was forced to take emergency measures (accelerating the deployment of renewable energies, etc.) and Member States also had to take decisions. The goal: achieving energy autonomy to secure electricity supply, at a competitive price and without jeopardising the established climate objectives. Many questions arise in this context: market reform, challenges to flexibility, potential for innovation, etc. All of them will be part of the solution to the energy crisis, but there is still much to be debated in order to know to what extent.
During the conference, we will identify the key issues that will allow us to analyse the situation and the proposed measures.
El proyecto LIFE Soria ForestAdapt pretende aumentar la resiliencia o capacidad de adaptación de los bosques del sur de Europa frente al cambio climático, mediante la inclusión de medidas adaptativas en los planes de ordenación forestal públicos y privados. El objetivo principal es la elaboración de un Referente Técnico de Ordenación y Selvicultura con medidas de adaptación al cambio climático, el cual se tomará como base en la modificación paulatina de los planes de ordenación forestal de toda la provincia de Soria. Se trabajará también sobre terrenos susceptibles de implantar programas de forestación, especialmente de reforestación de tierras agrarias.
- Sra. Elvira Carles, Directora de la FEC.
- Sra. Beatriz Oliver, FGN y coordinadora del proyecto.
- Sr. Pablo Sabin, Director de CESEFOR.
- Sr. Pep Salas, Consejero de la Comisión Nacional Mercado de la Competencia (CNMC).
- Sra. Alicia Carrasco, fundadora y CEO de olivoENERGY.
- Sr. Franc Comino, CEO de sonnen Ibérica.
- Sr. Emili Rousaud, CEO de Factor Energía.
- Sr. Juan Villar, Director General de Distribución de Gas de Nortegas.
Moderated by Ms. Claudia Gómez, Executive Director of ESG Solutions at AON Spain.