Ms. Izaskun Gorostiaga

Chief Strategy and Sustainability Officer at Nortegas

Member of the Executive Committee of Nortegas, currently as Chief Strategy and Sustainability, I have more than 20 years of experience, the last 14, in the Energy sector, performing strategic tasks in Business Development, Commercial Strategy, Innovation, Regulatory Strategy, investment valuation, M&A (leading buy/sell operations from the valuation phase to their integration into the company), Internal Consultancy work (improvement and value creation projects), as well as different management control and internal analytical functions for different companies and markets, first within the EDP spectrum (electricity distribution, gas distribution, electricity and gas commercialisation in the different markets) and now in Nortegas (gas distribution and LPG commercialisation).

Since February 2020 I am leading the transformation of the company towards a decarbonised economy, developing new businesses around Biomethane and Hydrogen. I have recently assumed responsibility for the company’s Global Strategy, which, together with Sustainability, Corporate Communication and Regulation, the latter being a critical activity for the company, are my main current responsibilities.
