Graduated in Law and Economics from ICADE, with a Master’s in Corporate Finance also from ICADE, as well as a Postgraduate degree in Accounting and Auditing from the University of Vigo and REA. Registered as a Chartered Accountant in the ROAC, this professional worked as a Project Manager at the IASB in London and as a Senior Advisor in Accounting and Auditing at IOSCO, the International Organization of Securities Commissions. Their career includes managerial roles in financial and control areas in financial entities in Spain and abroad, as well as experience as a professor at universities such as the University of Navarra, CUNEF, CEU, and ICADE, teaching topics such as corporate governance, accounting, and international financial reporting standards. With over 15 years of experience at the CNMV, where currently is holding the position of Director of Financial and Corporate Information.
Mr. Ignacio Hernández-Ranera
Sustainability consultant at 17ODS