Julio Díaz Jiménez holds a PhD in Physics from the Complutense University of Madrid, specialising in Physics of the Earth and the Cosmos. He is Research Professor at the Instituto de Salud Carlos III and Co-Director of the Reference Unit on Climate Change, Health and Urban Environment of this Institute. He is co-director of the Observatory on Climate Change and Health.
His lines of research focus on the impact of climate change on health, especially with regard to vulnerability and adaptation to extreme temperatures. He also works on the impacts of chemical and noise pollution on short-term morbidity and mortality in urban environments.
He is Coordinator of the ‘Extreme Temperatures’ Group of the Ministry of Health and Advisor to the WHO on this topic. He also advises the Ministry of Ecological Transition and Demographic Challenge on aspects related to the health impacts of chemical and acoustic atmospheric pollution.
Author of more than 300 scientific publications in these lines of knowledge (more than 180 in journals indexed in the Journal Citation Report). He has three Positive Assessment of Research Activity periods (six-year research period) and 5 periods with Favourable Assessment of the Performance of Scientific-Technological Activity (five-year research period) by the MICUIN. He is accredited, with outstanding research activity, according to the Incentive Programme for the Incorporation and Intensification of Research Activity (i3 Programme) by the National Agency for Evaluation and Foresight (ANEP).
He has received the North-South award from the Council of Europe for his contributions to the analysis of the impacts of Climate Change in the Mediterranean as well as the Environmental Education Award in EA26 and the RTVE ‘El Escarabajo Verde’ Award in its II edition for outstanding scientific personality.