Ms. Irene Vergara

Technical Advisor at the Sub-Directorate General for Carbon Markets, Spanish Climate Change Office (OECC), Ministry for Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge

Irene Vergara holds a degree in Environmental Sciences from the Autonomous University of Madrid and studied a Master in Human Ecology in Brussels. Her work has always been linked to climate change policies at the international level, having worked in different international non-profit organisations in Belgium, Germany and Spain until joining the Spanish Climate Change Office in 2018.

Since then, she has been part of the Emissions Trading Scheme team, and more specifically in the management of the free allocation of emission allowances and the monitoring, reporting and verification of emissions, as a focal point between Autonomous Communities and the European Commission.

Irene has followed the establishment of the CBAM since its inception and is part of the team that is implementing this new mechanism in Spain at the Spanish Climate Change Office  (OECC), within the Ministry for Ecological Transition and Demographic Challenge, which has been designated as the National Competent Authority.
