Dr. Virginia Alzina has over twenty-five years of professional experience in sustainability with fifteen years in leadership roles as a MD, CEO and Director. Her career has focussed on implementing environmental social and governance (ESG) principles, environmental management, resource efficiency, climate change, sustainable consumption and production, pollution control, enabling the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), sustainability reporting and certification. She has over fifteen years’ experience leading global and multicultural teams in all areas of sustainability including ESG safeguards as well as resource efficiency practices for listed companies. During the course of her career she has worked in over 45 countries in Asia, Africa, Latin America, Europe, US and the Middle East. She has extensive experience with environmental and social impact assessment (ESIA) practices, the Equator Principles, the International Finance Corporation’s Performance Standards, and the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) among other international standards.
Sra. Ana María Sánchez Infante
Team Leader en la unidad de Relaciones con los Estados Miembros y la Comunidad de la Energía, Dirección General de la Energía (DG ENER) de la Comisión Europea